1-03 Grandparenting and the Blended Family: Blending, Bonding, & Healing the Generations



Speaker: Ron Deal

Session: 1-03; November 2, 2017

An adult child’s remarriage, a stepparent who becomes a grandparent, and an empty nest wedding that gives birth to an adult stepfamily all result in multi-generational blended families. Nearly 40% of US families have a step-grandparent, but what is their role? How do you solidify a new marriage without alienating adult children? What if your former son or daughter-in-law cuts you out of your grandchildren’s life? How do you respect the different homes to which your grandchildren belong while still offering a spiritual influence? Blending, bonding, and grandparenting is complicated in blended families. Come learn what’s unique about blended families, how to help prepare or repair families, and the role of step-grandparents in three generational stepfamilies.