Over the River and Through the Woods: Overcoming the Challenges of Long-Distance Grandparenting



Speaker: Wayne and Marci Rice

Session: Breakout Session #1;
Feb. 21, 2019; 4:00-5:00PM

SKU: 19-over-the-river-and-through-the-woods-mp3-download Category:

If your grandkids live far away from you, this session will provide you with some encouragement and a good selection of tried-and-tested ideas for staying connected across the miles. You’ll also have an opportunity to share your experience as a long-distance grandparent and interact with other grandparents who are on the same journey. Wayne is the author of the new book Long Distance Grandparenting (Bethany House). He and his wife Marci are themselves long-distance grandparents (all five of their grandchildren live hundreds of miles away) and they would love to hear your good ideas.